What is secd3v?

A cost-effective, sovereign, IRAP-assessed, isolated tenancy GitLab software factory. This service integrates seamlessly into your corporate and enterprise networks, presenting a smarter financial alternative to DIY DevSecOps solutions.

How it works

secd3v offers a tenanted, software-as-a-service model on the GitLab platform, featuring secure software patterns, templates, and third-party security tools.



Streamlined Experience

Streamlined Experience

User-friendly DevSecOps platform streamlines operations.
Separate Tenancies

Separate Tenancies

Dedicated infrastructure providing isolation of tenancy data.
High Availability

High Availability

Ensures uninterrupted operation and uptime.
Rapid Deployment

Rapid Deployment

Speeds up processes with quick setup and provisioning.
Robust Security

Robust Security

IRAP assessed platform ensures data protection and compliance.
Proactive Monitoring

Proactive Monitoring

Offers threat monitoring and swift incident response.
Cost Efficiency

Cost Efficiency

Provides high-value services at a cost-effective rate.


Operated from Australia, catering to Australian cyber security needs.

Reach out and learn more about secd3v

Discover how secd3v can be a strategic financial investment for your organisation. Embrace a solution that offers security, compliance, and significant ROI advantages.